Test Case Title |
TC1.13 - Dashboard Builder External Services and Widgets |
Goal |
I can:
Prerequisites |
Using a PC or Mobile with a web browser. |
Expected successful result |
Visualization of a Dashboard containing an external service The platform will help the stakeholders to connect their Services via API/WS to be used as MicroServices for Snap4City Applications. |
Steps |
See details below |
Users roles for which this test case is available: All (Manager, Area Manager, ToolAdmin, RootAdmin)
User used to describe the Example: AreaManger
Example 0: Login on the snap4city platform
Users roles for which this test case is available: All
User used to describe this Examples: AreaManager
- Go to the snap4city home page
- I see the snap4city home page
- Now you can select one of the functionalities on the left panel
- Note that the list of the functionalities depends on the user role (and on the related permissions).
- Note that the list of the functionalities depends on the user role (and on the related permissions).
Fig: snap4city home page (after login).
Example1: Register/import external services
Users roles for which this test case is available: All
User used to describe this Example: AreaManager
- Make your login in the snap4city portal (EXAMPLE 0)
- Click on ‘External Services > Register External Services’ menu
- Fill the fields, for example:
- Nature: choose one of the possible categories (e.g. ‘Environment’)
- SubNature: free text (is the title of your connection, e.g. ‘Tuscany Environment’)
- Url: url to the external service with or without parameters (Note that the external service have to be provided in ‘https’, e.g. ‘https://helsinki.snap4city.org/ServiceMap/’)
- Icon: choose an image from your filesystem
- Press the ‘Upload button’ to register your service
Fig: snap4city home page for Manager and public users.
- After the registration, the users have the following three possibilities (3 buttons):
- ‘Open new service’: the service is opened in a new page
- ‘Open service list’: the service is opened in the snap4city platform (redirect to the page connected with the menu ‘External Services > List’, see Example 2)
- ‘No further actions’: nothing happens
Fig: possible action after the External Service publication on the snap4city portal.
Example 2: Visualize the External Services from the snap4city platform
Users roles for which this test case is available: All
User used to describe this Examples: AreaManager
The External Services menu item, allow to access to a list of the available external tools.
- Make the login in the snap4city portal (EXAMPLE 0)
- Click on ‘External Services > List’ menu
- The user can see a set of preview of the external services connected to the snap4city portal. From this page it is possible to search a specific external service (using also the textual search).
- Select a service, press on the image and the service is opened in the snap4city context
Fig: sna4city External Services list.
Fig: External Service opened in the snap4city portal.
Example 3: Realize a Dashboard including an External Service
Users roles for which this test case is available: All
User used to describe this Examples: AreaManager
- Make the login in the snap4city portal (EXAMPLE 0)
- Click on ‘Dashboards’ menu
Fig: Create a new Dashboard in the snap4city portal.
- Click on the button ‘New dashboard’ and a pop-up (‘Wizard’) appears containing the following tabs:
- In the ‘Dashboard Features’ tab choose a template and the Dashboard title, for example:
- Template: Fully custom
- Dashboard title: ‘Helsinki-External Service’
Fig: Create a new Dashboard: Dashboard features.
- In the ‘Data and Widgets’ tab, choose an external Service and select the widget icon:
- External service selected: ‘Helsinki’
- Icon:
Fig: Create a new Dashboard: Data and Widgets (before the selection).
Fig: Create a new Dashboard: Data and Widgets (after the selection).
Fig: Helsinki Dashboard created from an external service.