Welcome Antwerp List of Services and OnLine Data


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Welcome to the Antwerp on Snap4City

The following dashboards are available.

The Life of Antwerp

Antwerp City Overview

Antwerp overview ICON

Antwerp Selector Tech

Antwerp vs Florence comparison

Antwerp vs Helsinki comparison

Antwerp @ First Sight

Monitoring My PAXCounter and Tracks

External Services Integration Antwerp


Data in the Antwerp area, updated at the 08-04-2019

Data structures:

Structure: https://antwerp.snap4city.org/


POI:  https://antwerp.snap4city.org/

Mobility: https://antwerp.snap4city.org/

Sensor Real Time : https://antwerp.snap4city.org/

DataGate/CKAN added Federated CKAN to make accessible Open Data or third party Portals https://datagate.snap4city.org/

  • several data sets are now accessible for developers, different domains


External Services of Antwerp:

MicroServices for IOT exploiting external services via REST API of Helsinki: using them via IOT Application, listed on https://processloader.snap4city.org/processloader/ssoLogin.php?redirect=page.php%3FshowFrame=false  here are reported only those in addition to the Snap4City Suites (basic or advanced), which include Twitter Vigilance access, etc. 

  • Current weather data in Antwerp, from OpenWeather
  • UV in Antwerp, from OpenWeather
  • Stations coming from iRaikl API
  • Liveboards provides real-time informations on arriving and departing trains for every Belgian station.
  • Antwerp TV cameras from the street, locations
  • Antwerp Museums, locations
  • etc.

Additional data and data accesses:


Heatmaps: a large collection of heatmaps for: temperature, humidity, PM10, PM2.5, NO2, NO, SO2, O3 EAQI, CAQI, etc. which can be accessed (also via API and IOT App), picked and animated from:

Preferred clicked services for the Mobile App Users which can be viewed from this dashboard

Origin destination matrices coming from trajectories of the users from their Mobile App which can be seen from:

Clustered trajectories of the users from their Mobile App which can be seen from (one a significant number of them is available):

Counting people from fixed points coming from 20 PAX Counters spread in the Antwerp City, most located on the Museum, Sport facilities, etc.

Images and comments collected from the App, which have been validated and published anonymously on the App and MicroApp